Wednesday, August 6, 2014

A new beginning...................

Because we don't travel around as much as we did back at the beginning of our full time RV adventure, I have decided to end the MyTripJournal and make occasional blog entries on this site as the spirit moves me.  It might happen often...or not.

I intend to comment on issues that interest me at the moment, post occasional photos and let you know what we are up to if I think you might find our activities interesting.  Although I don't intend to offend anyone, I could possibly make a politically incorrect comment at times...I have no doubt that my views are not always mainstream, but such is life and we live in a country where disagreement is not only acceptable, but encouraged.

Many years ago I heard my parents and grandparents telling of life in more simple times.  Everything had changed for them, and they weren't at all reticent about telling me how things were better in days past.  Since I had no historical reference at the time, I didn't fully understand what they were telling me.

Well, I find myself in that place now.  Yes, I have become an old geezer.  And, as those before me, I see a better past.  Everything, and I mean EVERYTHING, is changing at light speed these days and I'm not entirely sure that we are progressing into a more enlightened time.

It seems to me that we have broken apart into ever smaller special interest groups that, when combined onto a political template, can become a force to be reckoned with.  The idea that if one is offended, we must all be offended, builds into great causes that, in my opinion, don't always advance our civilization.

The resulting change is rapidly moving us into unknown territory at a pace that I find almost impossible to absorb.  I don't hold to the view that we have a perfect society, but I honestly believe that changes through judicial activism and executive action can have a less than desirable outcome if not supported by the public at large.

I can only hope that our country is strong enough that we can restore a more gentle and considered progression to a better society.


  1. Well, this should be entertaining. Your explanation for making the blog change is remarkably lucid (not that you aren't always so), and I will be looking forward to reading your musings. If I may make a small suggestion: The reddish text is a little hard to read. This is probably exacerbated by my reading it on my old PC instead of the Mac, which, of course, has much better resolution. Somehow, though, it seems more appropriate to read about geezers (of which I am one) on my geezer computer. I have added your new blog to my reader, so I won't miss a word. Congratulations, my friend!

    1. Thanks Mike. I'm looking forward to spreading my wings a bit.......

  2. Welcome to 'Blogspot'!...such a nice new shiny blog filled with new adventures and new thoughts! I am sure you will keep us all entertained!!

    1. Hi's going to be fun trying something a little different.

  3. I'm on board now. Sounds like this could get really interesting at times.
